I have a renewable land lease agreement in Thailand. I read that the renewal option in the contract is not guaranteed. Why would a renewal option not work when this option is...
Leasehold properties and maintenance, I read the contracts, wording is vague, what does Thai laws say about maintenance fees when you lease? I bought a leasehold property, the...
My Thai wife often gambles when she gets drunk. I want to divorce her but I do not want to be responsible for her gambling debts of which I am unaware of at present. What are my...
I'm buying a new condo in a development with my (Thai) wife. Now reading the sale contract it says 'and/or', according to the contract we are buying the condo together or...
Hello thaicontracts, I have just returned from Samui to see a friend and look at possible starting a bar there. I have a lady that wants to sell me her bar but i have know idea...
Does anyone know the answer? My fiancee just comes out of a previous marriage. We are planning to marry but now someone told us we cannot marry within a period of 1 year after...
My Thai girl friend is pregnant (3 months) and wants to keep the baby and I do not. Do I have any legal or financial responsibility should we break up. Note that I would take...
What is the situation, when my Thai wife buys a condo, is it foreign or Thai owned when it is registered in her name? I read it would be foreign owned because she is married to a...
Can foreigners still own real estate property in Thailand via a Thai company limited? Or is this circumvention of foreign ownership limitations an ambiguity in the law that is...
I will be marrying soon with a Thai national. I want to be sure that my condo remains out of any marriage and transfer ownership to my son. Is it possible?
Is it possible for a company to sell fractional ownership terms (weeks per year) for an apartment when they only have a rental agreement for the property. We did research and...